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  • Jones, Gareth P: My One and Only Piece of Hand Luggage
    Jones, Gareth P: My One and Only Piece of Hand Luggage

    My One and Only Piece of Hand Luggage , It is an account of my fifteen cycling trips in many different countries in the world. As a man in my late fifties, I was more than aware that I had to improve my overall fitness. After cycling around my local area, I felt that I needed a change of scenery. So I embarked on a 4 day, 322km trip from the north of my beloved Wales to the south. This fired up in me a desire to explore more of what the world could offer. Completing a 525km cycling trip along the Normandy coastline of France, gave me a good idea of what I would have to cope with while cycling in my first foreign country. Thankfully, it gave me the confidence to look further afield. But first I had to attempt what I thought was a huge undertaking and that was cycling solo nearly a 1600km from John O'Groats to Lands End. Luckily, I completed it without any problems and it certainly opened up to a whole new world of possibilities for me. My next trip would be a long 1117km from Dunkirk to Denmark. This required me to cycle through a little piece of France, on through Belgium, through the flat lands of Holland, up through Germany and on to Denmark. Attempting the historic Mille Millia parade of classic and vintage cars in Italy, turned out to be a very memorable, yet frustrating trip with me only completing half of the intended 805km due to inclement weather. That Italian setback didn't deter me from completing a 405km trip from Western Australia's capital of Perth through vast open spaces to Albany on the south coast. Cycling across Shikoku, Japan's forth largest island became a memory etched into my soul. Full of spectacular scenery and cultural beauty. Closer to home, a trip with my wife Sue around the North Antrim coast proved to be a spectacularly ride due to its stunning coastline and its welcoming locals. My teenage dream came true as I cycled around the hustle and bustle that is Hong Kong. The stark, unforgiving landscape of Iceland proved to be a breath of fresh air. The 298km circular loop of the Cabot trail in Nova Scotia had me huffing and puffing up through its stunning Highland National Park. My fears of a supported tour from Moscow to St Petersburg proved unfounded with an enjoyable trip full of surprises. My eyes were certainly opened, when I stayed in New Delhi, and the stunning Himalayan mountain vistas from Shimla took what little breath I had away. Eventually, 2023 saw me resume with a gentle reintroduction with me cycling around the midlands of the beautiful Emerald island of Eire. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

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  • ACANA Adult small breed 6 kg
    ACANA Adult small breed 6 kg

    Acana - Trockenfutter - Heritage Adult Small Breed (getreidefrei) Acana Heritage Adult Small Breed ist reich an schmackhaftem Fleisch von freilaufenden Hühnern in Lebensmittelqualität (60%), Volleiern von regionalen Geflügelfarmen, Premium-Lachs aus dem Pazifik von Vancouver Island - täglich frisch, ungefroren und ohne Konservierungsstoffe angeliefert. Acana Heritage Adult Small Breed ist das ideale Futter für Hunde kleiner Rassen, reich an Proteinen, sowie mit angepasstem Fettgehalt und arm an Kohlenhydraten. Es enthält keinen Weizen, Mais oder Gluten-Bestandteile, die häufig Magen-Darm-Störungen auslösen können. Stattdessen enthält Acana Heritage regionales Obst, Gemüse und geschroteten Hafer - niedrig glykämische Kohlenhydrate, die nur wenig Einfachzucker enthalten, der zu erhöhten Blutzuckerwerten und Übergewicht bei kleinen Rassen führt. Frischer Lachs ist eine wertvolle Quelle essentieller Fettsäuren (EPA, DHA) und sorgt für eine gesunde Haut und ein prächtiges Fell - die äußeren Merkmale Ihres Hundes für Vitalität. Eine gesunde Vielfalt an regionalen Obst- und Gemüsesorten liefert natürliche Spurenelemente, Antioxidantien und Phytonährstoffe. Ausgewählte Pflanzen, wie z.B. Wacholderbeeren, Chicoréewurzel und Engelswurz, wirken als Elixiere zur Ernährung und Stärkung des Organismus und des Wohlbefindens des Hundes. Acana Heritage ist getreidefrei und enthält stattdessen schnell verwertbare Kohlenhydrate wie Reis, Tapioka oder Kartoffel, sowie tierische Proteine, um den Aufbau von Muskeln und Erhaltung der Kondition zu fördern. In einer familieneigenen, prämierten Prdouktionsstätte in Kanada aus frischen und regionalen Zutaten hergestellt, hält das getreidefreie Acana Trockenfutter Ihren Hund glücklich, gesund und stark. Auf die Zugabe von künstlichen Farb-, Geschmacks- und Konservierungsstoffen wird bei Acana Heritage Adult Small Breed Hundefutter komplett verzichtet. Das Acana Trockenfutter zeichnet sich aus durch: Hoher Fleisch- und Fischanteil von über 60% Protein von Huhn, Ei und Fisch Mit allen wichtigen Vitaminen, Spurenelementen und Mineralstoffen Natürliche Antioxidantien und Phytonnährstoffe Mit Glucosamin und Chrondroitin für die Gelenkgesundheit Mit Omega-3- und Omega-6-Fettsäuren für gesunde Haut und schönes Fell Mach AAFCO-Nährstoffprofil (Association of American Feed Control Officials) ACANA Hundenahrung ist für Hunde aller Rassen und in allen Lebensphasen geeignet. Zutaten:Frisches Hühnerfleisch (16%), dehydriertes Hühnerfleisch (15%), ganze rote Linsen, ganze grüne Erbsen, ganze Kichererbsen, dehydrierter Truthahn (4,5%), Hühnerfett (4%), frische Hühnerorgane (Leber, Herz) (4%), dehydrierter Hering (4%), Ei (4%), rohe Maiskörner (4%), Fischöl (4%), ganze grüne Linsen, ganze gelbe Erbsen, Erbsenfasern, Erbsenstärke, rohe Putenleber (0,5%), Salz, getrockneter Seetang frischer ganzer Kürbis, frische ganze Muskatnuss, frische ganze Karotten, frische ganze Äpfel, frische ganze Birnen, frische ganze Zucchini, getrocknete Zichorienwurzel, frischer Grünkohl, frischer Spinat, frische Steckrübenblätter, frische Rote-Bete-Blätter, frische ganze Cranberries, frische ganze Heidelbeeren, frische ganze Saskatoons, Kurkuma, Distel, Klettenwurzel, Lavendel, Baldrianwurzel, Hagebutten.Zusatzstoffe (pro kg): technologische Zusatzstoffe: Tocopherol-Extrakt aus Pflanzenölen: 121 mg, Zitronensäure: 40 mg. Sensorische Zusatzstoffe: Rosmarin-Extrakt: 80 mg. Ernährungsphysiologische Zusatzstoffe: 3a890 Cholinchlorid (Cholin): 700 mg, 3b606 (Zink): 75 mg, 3b406 (Kupfer): 11 mg, 3a821 Vitamin B1: 25 mg, 3a841 Vitamin B5: 8 mg, 3a831 Vitamin B6:7,5 mg, 3a672a Vitamin A: 1875 IU, 3a671 Vitamin D3: 250 IU, 3700 Vitamin E: 115 IU. Zootechnische Zusatzstoffe: 4b1707 Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 2,2x10^6 KBE.

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  • Scott Helmet Arx (ce) white/dream blue (7485) M
    Scott Helmet Arx (ce) white/dream blue (7485) M

    Wir bei SCOTT versuchen immer, Gutes noch besser zu machen. Alles, was wir bei der Entwicklung Scotts hochwertigen Rennradhelme gelernt haben, ist in den Arx eingeflossen – ein vielseitiger Allround-Helm für MBT und Rennrad. Der leichte Arx ist perfekt für alle leistungsorientierten Fahrer und Bike-Enthusiasten und besticht durch eine hervorragende Belüftung und benutzerfreundliche Eigenschaften, wie ein einfaches Einstellungssystem und ein abnehmbares Visier. Produktdetails Optimal für: Radfahren Rennrad Verstellsystem: MRAS3 Konstruktion: In-Mold-Technologie, Polycarbonat-Mikro-Obermaterial Konstruktion: In-Mold-Technologie, Polycarbonat-Mikro-Obermaterial Fit System: MRAS3 Features: Für XC- und Rennradfahrer geeignet Optimierte Belüftung Abnehmbares Visier Anpassbare Polsterung Anpassbare offenzellige Polsterung Leichte Konstruktion Technologien und Herstellungsverfahren Optimized VentingStrategically placed outer vents connects to extensive inner cooling channels. PC in-mold KONSTRUKTIONDuring the in-mold manufacturing process, the outer shell of polycarbonate material is fused with the helmet’s impact-absorbent foam liner, creating a super-lightweight outer shell. With reduced weight and bulk surrounding the head, in-mold helmets are more comfortable than traditional helmets. MRAS FIT SYSTEMDas Micro Rotary Adjustment System (MRAS) zeichnet sich durch einzigartige Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, Komfort und Stabilität aus. Ein automatisches Verschlusssystem sorgt dafür, dass der Helm fest sitzt und nicht verrutscht. Die flexible Struktur des MRAS Fit Systems bietet zusätzlichen Tragekomfort. Custom PaddingThe helmet can fit different head shapes. Pre-formed cut lines make it easy to cut and fit the padding to your preference.

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  • The Spiritual Landscape of Mark (Thurston, Bonnie)
    The Spiritual Landscape of Mark (Thurston, Bonnie)

    The Spiritual Landscape of Mark , 2009 Catholic Press Association Award Winner! To read the Gospel of Mark is to embark on a journey that begins in a desert and ends with a boulder rolled away from the tomb. In between, Jesus teaches his disciples, calls them to journey and learn what it means to follow him, and guides them to Jerusalem, the scene of the Passion. In The Spiritual Landscape of Mark, Bonnie Thurston has adapted a retreat that she gave to the Society of the Sacred Cross at Tymawr Convent in Wales, thereby inviting all of us to embark on this spiritual journey. Mark's gospel is full of places' desert, house, sea, valley, mountain, city, cross, garden and the winding roads between them. Thurston's prose invites us to go away to a quiet place and reflect awhile on what it means to be Jesus's disciple, to follow him across the hard landscape. Along the way there will be glimpses of his glory when he stills the storm and is transfigured on the mountain, when he heals the sick and feeds the hungry. Still, the primary lesson is the difficult way to which we are called, along with the great joy of knowing that Jesus has initiated the journey and leads us exactly where we need to go. , Nachschlagewerke & Lexika > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen , Erscheinungsjahr: 20081001, Produktform: Kartoniert, Beilage: Paperback, Autoren: Thurston, Bonnie, Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 104, Keyword: St Mark; Sisters of the Society of the Sacred Cross; Tymawr Convent, Fachkategorie: Kritik und Exegese heiliger Texte, Warengruppe: HC/Religion/Theologie/Allgemeines/Lexika, Fachkategorie: Neues Testament, Text Sprache: eng, UNSPSC: 49019900, Warenverzeichnis für die Außenhandelsstatistik: 49019900, Verlag: The Liturgical Press, Länge: 210, Breite: 140, Höhe: 6, Gewicht: 139, Produktform: Kartoniert, Genre: Importe, Genre: Importe, Herkunftsland: DEUTSCHLAND (DE), Katalog: Gesamtkatalog, Katalog: Internationale Lagertitel, Katalog: internationale Titel, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover,

    Preis: 24.17 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Applications
    Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Applications

    Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Applications , This book features a collection of high-quality research papers presented at International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Theory and Applications (AITA 2023), held during 11¿12 August 2023 in Bengaluru, India. The book is divided into two volumes and presents original research and review papers related to artificial intelligence and its applications in various domains including health care, finance, transportation, education, and many more. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

    Preis: 150.42 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Katz, Bob: Waiting for Al Gore
    Katz, Bob: Waiting for Al Gore

    Waiting for Al Gore , Lenny Beibel, a wannabe journalist, travels to an international environmental conference in rural Vermont, in search of a story that will put him in the big leagues. He sure needs one. There he meets Rachel Seagrave, EarthKare visionary founder. Rachel and her team of bumbling colleagues still cling to the hope that Nobel winner Al Gore will appear in time to inspire the faithful. But time is running short. Waiting in the wings is self-help guru Henry "On Your" Marks. Henry is the slick purveyor of JogThink, a self-help philosophy popular at business and sales conventions. How it could pertain to the environmental crisis is far from clear to Rachel and her comrades. But Henry is not one to give up easily. Renown for Creating Your Own Finish Line, he sprints onto the scene, determined to convince Rachel he is worthy of this gig, and worthy of her. But what's that, up in the sky? An endangered species bird thought to be extinct is sighted flitting around where the conference will be held. With a mad stampede of birders, a missing ex-Vice President, and a keynote speaker who may or may not be a fraud, Beibel's got his story. It's just not the story that anyone planned on. WAITING FOR AL GORE is a fish-out-water drama that blends the urgencies of environmental activism with the folly of self-help bombast, featuring an ensemble cast worthy of a Wes Anderson film. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 20.13 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Software Engineering Application in Systems Design
    Software Engineering Application in Systems Design

    This book presents the latest research on software engineering application in informatics. The fields of software engineering, informatics, computer science, and artificial intelligence are critical for study in the intelligent systems issue space. This is the first part of the refereed proceedings of the 6th Computational Methods in Systems and Software 2022 (CoMeSySo 2022). The CoMeSySo 2022 conference, which is being hosted online, is breaking down barriers. CoMeSySo 2021 aims to provide a worldwide venue for debate of the most recent high-quality research findings. , Proceedings of 6th Computational Methods in Systems and Software 2022, Volume 1 , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

    Preis: 150.42 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Silk High Waist Mini Hot Pants
    Silk High Waist Mini Hot Pants

    Step into luxury with these exquisite Silk High Waist Mini Hot Pants by Dolce & Gabbana. Gorgeous and brand new with tags, this 100% Authentic item offers a flattering high-waisted design and the refined elegance of beige silk. The intricate detailing and Italian craftsmanship underscore the quality and style synonymous with Dolce & Gabbana. These shorts feature a sleek zipper closure and sophisticated logo details. Perfect for elevating your wardrobe with a touch of high fashion. Material: 100% Silk Color: Beige Model: High Waist Mini Hot Pants Zipper closure Logo details Made in Italy

    Preis: 285.6 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Advances in Cryptology ¿ ASIACRYPT 2023
    Advances in Cryptology ¿ ASIACRYPT 2023

    Advances in Cryptology ¿ ASIACRYPT 2023 , The eight-volume set LNCS 14438 until 14445 constitutes the proceedings of the 29th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, ASIACRYPT 2023, held in Guangzhou, China, during December 4-8, 2023. The total of 106 full papers presented in these proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 375 submissions. The papers were organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Secure Multi-party computation; threshold cryptography; . Part II: proof systems - succinctness and foundations; anonymity; Part III: quantum cryptanalysis; symmetric-key cryptanalysis; Part IV: cryptanalysis of post-quantum and public-key systems; side-channels; quantum random oracle model; Part V: functional encryption, commitments and proofs; secure messaging and broadcast; Part VI: homomorphic encryption; encryption with special functionalities; security proofs andsecurity models; Part VII: post-quantum cryptography; Part VIII: quantum cryptography; key exchange; symmetric-key design. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen

    Preis: 63.09 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Endura GV500 Reiver Bibshort olivgrün XL
    Endura GV500 Reiver Bibshort olivgrün XL

    Design Philosophy Endura has been makeing no-nonsence kit for off and on road for over 25 years so we know a thing or two about gravel riding. All day, all surface performance that has been tried, tested and approved by world class adventure cyclists. The GV500 Reiver Bibshorts deploy Endura's extensive expertise in on and off road riding gear, resulting in a great fitting, high performing pair of bibshorts that are tailored to meet the demands of adventure and gravel riding. Anatomical DesignOne of the keys to this bibshorts comfort is the lumbar support panel. This panel, made from high powered Italian fabric, wraps around your lower back and sides, holding the bibshort firmly in place and taking some pressure off the straps. This results in a barely there feel for even the longest of rides. The GV500 SystemA GV500 Outfit is designed to work as a system and provides ample storage for epic day-long to multi-day adventures whilst retaining a bulk free, streamlined fit. The GV500 Reiver Bibshort has mesh cargo pockets on the thighs and additional mesh storage on the side waist, providing ample space for on bike essentials. Careful placement ensures that overlapping pockets are always offset, increasing load carrying stability. If baggies are the order of the day, then vents on the GV500 Foyle Shorts allow access to the GV500 Reiver Bibshort thigh pockets. The perfect match. 600 Series PadOur exclusive 600 Series Pad is engineered using computer cut “Continuously Variable Profile” (CVP) process which delivers a high stretch pad with integrated gel inserts for added comfort and an antibacterial finish. 90 Day Satisfaction GuaranteeSo confident are we in this product that, if you are not entirely satisfied with it then we offer a no-quibble refund or replacement policy within 90 days of purchase. Produktdetails Gemacht für: Herren Optimal für: Radfahren Arbeit Features: Lycra® Material und Gewebe mit Stretchanteil für mehr Langlebigkeit Doppellagige Seitenpaneele reduzieren Schürfwunden bei unerwartetem Sturz Zusätzliche Taschen aus Netzgewebe an den Oberschenkeln und der Taille Unterstützendes feuchtigkeitstransportierendes Powerstrap Rückenpaneel mit Lendenwirbelstütze Polster der Serie 600 II mit der computergeschnittenen 'Continuously Variable Profile'-Dehnungstechnologie (CVP) von Endura und Gel-Einsätzen für bestmögliche Vibrationsdämpfung Silikonabschlüsse für perfekten Sitz 90-Tage-Zufriedenheitsgarantie Lendenstützen und Power Straps aus Enduras ProSL Bibshort Materialien: Elastan 17%, Polyester 29%, Nylon 54%

    Preis: 141.05 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Fleetwood, Nicole R.: Mark Bradford: Process Collettivo
    Fleetwood, Nicole R.: Mark Bradford: Process Collettivo

    Mark Bradford: Process Collettivo , Documentation of a unique partnership between the US American artist and an Italian cooperative that supports present and former inmates of two Italian prisons. In 2016, the artist Mark Bradford began a partnership with the cooperative Rio Terà dei Pensieri, an organization that creates work opportunities with and for people incarcerated and recently incarcerated in two prisons in Venice, Italy. This book offers extensive documentation of both Rio Terà's multifaceted activities and the collaboration with Bradford. Edited by Nicole R. Fleetwood, it features a conversation between the artist and former President of Rio Terà Liri Longo that delves into the history of their working together and the importance of socially engaged artmaking. Various essays critically assess the state of Italian prisons, provide a comparison of Italian and American carceral systems, reflect on the power of creativity inside prisons, and consider this partnership as part of larger discourse of social practice. , >

    Preis: 35.00 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Spedal AF928 Autofocus Webcam 1080P with Microphone and Privacy Cover Dual Stereo Microphones for Calling Conference
    Spedal AF928 Autofocus Webcam 1080P with Microphone and Privacy Cover Dual Stereo Microphones for Calling Conference

    Spedal AF928 Autofocus Webcam 1080P with Microphone and Privacy Cover Dual Stereo Microphones for Calling Conference

    Preis: 43.89 € | Versand*: 0.00 €

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